Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little Ballerina

My parents got this little outfit for McKinna and I think that they were pretty disappointed when she didn't flip over it.  McKinna changed her mind the other day and decided that she loves it and she wanted to have her picture taken.  I have to say that the poses are all her own.  Does anyone have a good ballet teacher!!!
Recently, this little angel has been trying to incorporated the word "hell"  into many of her stories.  I think that deep down she knows that I would prefer that she not say it, so she does her best to use it correctly,  so I don't have a chance to reprimand her for it.
The other day she was telling my that "there are some people at Dad's work that don't like him.  They are mean to him and make fun of him." she says.  Then after a brief pause she looks at me and says "I think that those people are going to go to Hell." (and just so everyone knows I think that Kade gets along just fine with all his coworkers,  the conflicts are sometimes with opposing council
This is a girl FULL of imagination and I think maybe a few other things too.


Rachael said...

She is hilarious! And that outfit is adorable!

Sarah said...

Jackson will try and use the word stupid in appropriate ways, since he knows I don't think it is a nice word to use.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Hmmm... where did she get that word? She is adorable and so is the outfit.

Anonymous said...

What a cute, fiesty little girl