Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Field Trip

I just thought that I would put up a few pictures from McKinna's field trip because I thought they were cute. I love how the cows are trying to get in on the action.
For the first four years of McKinna's life (she's now five) she was TERRIFIED by moving creatures, (animals of all kinds, bugs of all kinds and the occasional little old lady). Well, something has changed in the last year and now all I hear about is how much she wants a dog. And I have heard myself say on several occasion "McKinna those bugs need to stay outside!" After seeing the joy on her face while looking at these goats, I thought for sure she would be asking for one of those for the next several weeks.
Now these are cute but no we can't have one of those either!


bloodfamily said...

I do have a goat for sale if you decide to give in to her wishes. lol

Queen Elizabeth said...

Love the kid with the mohawk. That takes some talent....