Monday, August 24, 2009


I have to start this post by saying I am having a major computer dilemma and I can't get to all my pictures. So much has been happening, we went on vacation and the new school year has started but no one cares about the words if there are no pictures! (actually, no one probably cares about the words at all, those are just for me). My point is I will be playing catch up for a long time after this gets resolved.

Here is a quick post from out trip (the only pictures I could get to). The first leg of our trip was to Idaho to see family and friends and of course so Kade could have his fill of fair food.
My sister just got two new kittens and my kids were in love! McKinna almost looks like she could shed tears of joy!
Liam is really allergic to cats so it took him awhile to get used to the idea that he was on allergy medicine and that he could actually touch the kittens without experiencing terrible consequences.
You might ask "who could deny these kids a pet that makes them sooo happy?" Well the answer to that is me!
Do you think they would love these cats this much if they were theirs and were around them all the time? I am just trying to keep the love alive for when we visit aunt Nikki. right???
I have to say these kittens supplied hours of entertainment for my kids. The weather was perfect and they got to be outside on real grass, with real pets. It was fantastic!!! When can we come back?


khbaird said...

I like the words Amy. Don't stop blogging becuase then I would have to do real work when I am at work...

Sarah said...

McKinna does look overcome with joy, but don't let that sway you! Being pet-free definitely has its perks.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Visiting cats is a perfect way to love a pet. All the joy - none of the maintenance. Love your posts! I remember your dad (AND mom) as so funny, too. I've got a couple of good quotes but I won't publish them here ;) (if you knowwhatImean!)