Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Canal

When I was a kid one of my favorite summer activities was to float down the canal with my cousins.  I thought that everyone in ID spent the summer floating the canals but my friend Nancy who is from there told me that she has never done it.  I think that maybe she is not really from ID she just says that she is to be cool!  And if she  really is from there well than next summer I expect to see her in a canal somewhere!

I think that McKinna was not really sure where she was going to end up but she didn't seem to worried about it.

Liam was somehow assigned to a very "manly" inner tube.  (at least it wasn't pink)

Diesel really wanted that duck, but that duck really didn't want Diesel.  Survival instincts won out and the duck got away but it was close!

This is just Kade taking a brake between feedings! (if you want to know what that means you'll have to check out Kade's blog of our trip).

I don't think that this horse was too happy that we were in his space. Or maybe he was just jealous cause he wanted to be in the canal too.

McKinna got a free lift from the Float organizer also known as my cousin Monica.  Thanks Monica for the fun trip down the canal and down memory lane!


Anonymous said...

What!? So fun! I was dying laugh with the "in between feedings" comment. You're hilarious

Sarah said...

The one and only time I went floating down a canal I ended up covered in slugs. That marked the beginning and ending of my tubing days!

Nancy said...

Hey woman! You better watch your mouth! That canal is filthy, if you didn't notice. I was too busy working on the farm to play all day!

Rkade said...

I think Nancy should be worried about what you mean by saying you better "see her in a canal" next year - do you mean face up or face down?

Rachael said...

The 1st summer we moved to Colorado we floated down the Platte River and it was one of the most memorable days in my childhood. So much fun. Every summer after that the river was too low to do it again. I am so jealous you got to do that!