Thursday, November 19, 2009


I have to tell you something about my husband,  he HATES dancing!  If you suggest that he even think about dancing he will break out in a cold sweat!  Consequently he is not a fan of the shows like So You Think You Can Dance.  I on the other hand LOVE the show.  But luckily for me, Kade loves me more than he hates the show.  So for my Birthday he took me to see the SYTYCD show.

These pictures aren't great because they were taken with Kade's phone but you get the idea.

Does he look like he is being tortured for my Birthday?  I mean really in Vegas you can be entertained just sitting and watching the freak show walk by.

The dancing was fantastic and I loved every minute of it.  As we were leaving Kade informed me that that night was as close to "dinner and dancing"  as we were ever going to get!

Thanks Kade it was a great night!!


Jossie said...

I had so much fun too! We were on the floor and it was awesome :-)

Rkade said...

You're welcome, Amy. BTW Jossie, I heard the floor seats all had swine flu. who's awesome now?

Rachael said...

Looks like fun! Good job Kade for taking you!

Sarah said...

I stopped watching SYTYCD this season. I couldn't take the time commitment any longer! From the picture I think it looks like you had a great time (Kade included).