Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a month

This month has been so crazy that I am sure that it will take me at least two posts to catch up and even then I am sure that things will go forgotten because I could not keep up.  This month was going to be a crazy one under the best of conditions but to add to the craziness I hurt my back,  McKinna was sick for a week and just as she got better, Liam got sick.

Liam was sick on his birthday so he was home from school.  I thought that I would take the kids for a picnic in the park on his birthday but as you can see from McKinna's hair it was quite windy plus it was COLD.  Living in Las Vegas I hate to ever use the term cold but it really was.  When we got to the park we were immediately swarmed by pigeons,  for a moment there it looked like a scene from "The Birds"!

I think that we lasted at the park for about 5 minutes!

In lieu of a birthday party this year we took the kids to see the Lion King.  We told Liam that he could pick where he wanted to go for dinner and before the words finished coming out of my mouth he yelled "McDonald's"!  I guess we should be grateful because it helped offset the price of the tickets.  We all really enjoyed The Lion King and two of us really enjoyed McDonald's.

Liam is always happy to get Legos for any occasion.

Liam's birthday cake always seem to have a Halloween theme.  This year we left off the candles because we didn't want him blowing his germs all over the cake.

Happy Birthday Liam!  We love you and are so happy to have you in our family!


Rachael said...

Cute cake!!! I love that idea! I am jealous that you went to the Lion King! I really can't wait to go see it!!! One day when I am not tethered to Oliver!

bloodfamily said...

I don't think I've ever seen so many birds in one place. It almost looks like you superimposed your kids into this picture. That seems kinda unnerving, huh? I love the pumpkin cake too. Is that a ice cream cone for the stem. Very cute! I'm sorry that you have had a hard month - me too!

Sarah said...

Amy, That cake is impressive! I am entering my 2nd week of sick kids, so I feel for you. Jackson has already told us that for his birthday next year we are going to McDonalds. They are so easily pleased.