Friday, January 22, 2010

I just don't want to forget!

I haven't been blogging lately.  I haven't worked on my own nor I have I been reading any other blogs.  I  think that I am having blogging issues and I have not yet decided what I am going to do about it.  But while I am trying to figure out how I am going to proceed, there have been a few things said that I don't want to forget.  So for today I am going to put my issues aside and write a few things down.

 Liam seems to have always had quite a vocabulary and we are not sure where it has all comes from.  Often times when Liam says something I have to ask Kade later if he has been using certain words, to see if that is where he learned it.  And when Liam started swearing at about age three, Kade asked me if I (or my Dad) was the one teaching him certain words.  (I can assure you it was not me!!)  Luckily Liam is over the swearing phase but the other words just keep coming.

Over Christmas break,  I was having a particularly trying day with the kids and that night when I was putting Liam to bed he said "mom, thank you for being that thing called "longsuffering.""

Liam got a DSi for Christmas which he loves and when he is telling someone about it he says "it's this device with a lot of different functions."

And the other night we were having fajitas for dinner and he looked at his and said "mom, how do I eat this?",  I told him what to do and his response was, "I guess I haven't mastered those techniques yet."

Stories about Liam and the things he says could go on and on.  He has made more than one person pull out a dictionary to figure out what he was talking about.  Like when he was 4 or 5 and he told me that his "helicopter was impervious to bullets."  But I will have to write that book another day.

Then there is McKinna, she doesn't quite have the same vocabulary but that doesn't stop her from saying crazy things.  She is definitely made of sugar and a lot of  SPICE.

On her birthday she told me that one of her birthday wishes was that my "back would stop hurting and that I wouldn't get any more headaches."  (I am really hoping that those are wishes that comes true!)

On the one had, a week before Christmas we were at church and she turned to me and said "mom for me Christmas is all about the presents!"

This is McKinna getting ready to take her Christmas day dip in the pool.  When she finally realized that we were serious about not getting in with her boy was she MAD!!

And one last thing before my fingers give out (because I am not a typist!).

Last Sunday we were leaving church and McKinna had a sticker saying that she has to give a talk next week in Primary.  On the way home I said "so did they give you a topic to talk about?"  She said, "no, I guess you just have to make something up."  She paused for a second and  then said, "but make sure it's holy!"


Rachael said...

You really could write a book about your kids and their personalities! So did she really get in the pool? Why would she want to do that????

Vegasarnolds said...

Your kids crack me up! I loved it when Liam was over and asked, "Can I have a glass of water? I'm parched!" I've never heard a kid say that! And I love the last story about McKinna, classic!

Sarah said...

Longsuffering! That is truly hilarious. He's only eight. I can't imagine how big his vocabulary will actually grow.

Anonymous said...

Read this to my mom just now while laughing my head off. You forgot to share about "Bonanza!"