Do not adjust your computers I was just playing with photoshop. These are the birthday boys, both 3/13 and this year it just happened to be on a Friday. I was thinking how interesting it was that they had the same birthday and then I started thinking about some other things they have in common, I found it kind of interesting. Here are the things that I know:
1. Besides having the same Birthday
2. Their wives are sisters
3. They are both the father of two
4. They are both techies and partial to Macs
5. They both love to grill
6. They both graduated from the U of Utah (one w/an MD the other w/a JD)
7. They both speak spanish as a second language
8. They both love music
9. They both love to have fun
10. One spends his day working with crotches the other one with a**holes.
I think that they have more in common than my sister and I do.
Happy Birthday guys!!!
#10 made me laugh! Love it!
Fabulous. That's the Amy I know and love!
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