Monday, March 30, 2009

Trampoline time

Watching my kids jump on the trampoline at my aunt Nan's house brought back so many memories for me.  All growing up I would spend the best part of my summer every year at my aunt Nan and uncle Mike's house in Idaho.  My cousins Brad and Darin were so much fun and we would spend the days doing all sorts of things, like floating down the canal, laughing walking to my grandparents house, laughing, playing football on the front yard, riding motorcycles and driving cars long before we ever had a liscense(please don't tell my mom or my kids!!) and laughing.  The nights were spent playing No Bears are Out Tonight, laughing, TPing, watching scary movies (then watching Darin walk in his sleep), laughing hysterically and sleeping out on the trampoline.  And really this is just a small sample of the things that we did,  I could probably fill a book with all our summer adventures.  I really do miss those times and when I think of them I miss being a kid.  I am so grateful for those memories and most especially for those people in the memories.  

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