Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First grader

Kade got me this new camera at Christmas time and so I thought if I take the kids school pictures myself for the REST OF THEIR LIVES I might be able to pay for one of the lens! I hope that someday I can learn to take the pictures that the camera was made to take.

Liam had an awards assembly not too long ago and he was so excited for me to come because he was "getting an award for perfect attendance!" I was reminded often about the assembly and his exciting award. The day finally came and you can imagine my excitement to have to go to sit through an assembly for a perfect attendance award (I think I was plotting how I would keep him out of school one day each quarter so as to avoid another fun assembly). So it was finally time for his class to receive their rewards and it was a good thing that I went because Liam was one of two kids in his class that got an award for having straight A's. Had I not gone I would probably not have ever heard about the academic award because after it was all over all he said was "Mom isn't that great that I had perfect attendance!" He is a funny funny kid!


Rachael said...

What camera did you get? I got a Canon Rebel XTi about a year and a half ago and know I am not using it to its full potential. I did by a book...Canon Rebel XTi for Dummies, about 6 months ago. I am on page 3

Sarah said...

Good job Liam! I have missed every awards assembly this year. The next one is boldly embossed on my calendar so I don't miss it.