Tuesday, September 29, 2009


  Kade has been traveling A LOT  lately!  So the other day he said that he had to go to Anaheim and that maybe the kids and I should join him.  Since he has been gone so much I thought that it would be fun.  We made all the arraingments and decided to keep it a secret from the kids.  So at 5:30 am we got the kids up and headed to the airport.  They were tired, confused and excited but maybe more tired and confused.  Disneyland was one of their guesses but we would neither confirm nor deny their guesses.

The sad thing was, that by the time we got to Disneyland they had spent way too much time fighting and bugging each other so just before we got there they both got into trouble and neither of them was very happy.  We had pictures of their overjoyed faces NOT as we got there but because of problems I will not go in to all our trip pictures got deleted!  So I found a picture from a previous and happier Disneyland trip to post instead.

Don't get me wrong, we did end up having a really fun trip but I think that we may not be taking our kids on any fun vacations for awhile and then maybe they will appreciate it more when it does happen.


bloodfamily said...

I think that you should have kept the pictures to use as a good "lesson" for later on. Sorry to hear that your trip wasn't so great. Been there, done that. So much so that we were waiting in a long line for Space Mtn. and I told my kids that if they continued to fight that we would leave the line and go home. You know what - we did!

Anonymous said...

I was perhaps more excited for them. What cool parents they have.

Sarah said...

I can't get over that adorable baby picture of McKinna! Have I mentioned that my kids have been fighting non-stop for 5 days and I am tempted to stop speaking to them both. Sorry your kids couldn't fully appreciate the trip. I can't believe all of your pictures were erased!