Monday, April 27, 2009

The Bairds

I had to post these pictures for a couple of reasons.  First because I love them, both the pictures and the people in them.  Second because they make me smile, actually they make me laugh, both the pictures and the people in them.  Just look at how they are standing at attention, like I was really cracking the whip.  I must have been because McKinna is holding Liam's hand for support.
And this one, look at the mischief on Santino's face.  Look at how Karson is leaning into Kade like he is about to tell him a great secret.  And how Kindal is laughing at a joke that I am sure just  came out of Kade's mouth and Aubrie is enjoying the whole scene.  I think that I could go on and on about all the great things that I see and feel when I look at this picture, but I won't.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Spring has sprung in Las Vegas.
Or should I say spring sprang in Las Vegas 
I think that these little beauties lasted all of two weeks
before the desert sun fried them to a crisp.  It was great while it lasted.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


On our way to ID we spent the night with Kelsey.   On Kelsey's fridge there is a picture of Kelsey's dad holding her when she was about three and my sister is in the background.  One day over the summer Kelsey and I were talking about that very picture and she asked me if I was bugged that I had to spend so much time with her family (not in those exact words).  When she asked I think that I was having an emotional day, or week or maybe month and I couldn't really answer the question without probably having  a good cry, so the answer was just a simple no I wasn't bothered.  But the answer was really not that simple and I am not sure that it will be easy to give even now.  The true answer is that when Kelsey's mom died it was one of the saddest days of my life.  I was only 13 at the time but I really loved her mom and I was heartbroken and confused about why such a wonderful person with five beautiful children needed to go.  So when Kelsey's Dad asked my mom if she could quit her job and help him with his kids, I felt a little comfort.  I am not saying that this made it better for her family because nothing could replace their mother, but it did help me to feel a bit better. I felt like we kind of just became one big family .   We did the things that families do, besides the day to day stuff we celebrated birthdays, holidays and went on trips.  So was I bothered by it, no (okay maybe once when cousin Brady shortsheeted me and crushed crackers in my bed in retaliation for throwing him in the pool earlier that day.  But even then only for a millisecond.) I was grateful because I got to have 3 extra sisters and 2 brothers that I still claim as family.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little Ballerina

My parents got this little outfit for McKinna and I think that they were pretty disappointed when she didn't flip over it.  McKinna changed her mind the other day and decided that she loves it and she wanted to have her picture taken.  I have to say that the poses are all her own.  Does anyone have a good ballet teacher!!!
Recently, this little angel has been trying to incorporated the word "hell"  into many of her stories.  I think that deep down she knows that I would prefer that she not say it, so she does her best to use it correctly,  so I don't have a chance to reprimand her for it.
The other day she was telling my that "there are some people at Dad's work that don't like him.  They are mean to him and make fun of him." she says.  Then after a brief pause she looks at me and says "I think that those people are going to go to Hell." (and just so everyone knows I think that Kade gets along just fine with all his coworkers,  the conflicts are sometimes with opposing council
This is a girl FULL of imagination and I think maybe a few other things too.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have two problems, okay I have more than two problems but I will save the rest for another day.  So my first problem is this-  my kids don't like my food!  I really like to cook, and I am not saying that I am great at it,  I am far from being the cook that my mom is.  I mean it is hard to find better food anywhere than at my Mom's house.  That being said I also don't think that I am the worst cook in the world.  My kids however seem to complain about my cooking 99% of the time.  Although the other day I was in a big hurry and didn't have time to do a lot of prep work so I decided to fix a Hamburger Helper.  Well, Liam has been claiming that it was the best thing that I have ever made since Thursday,  he even happily ate it as left overs on Friday.  I think that I am ready to retire my spatula.  It is so frustrating to spend hours cooking to have the little people in my house wine, cry and refuse to eat.  Thank heavens for Kade, I can not recall one complaint he has ever filed against my cooking.  Maybe he just know where my spatula would be retired to if he did, but whatever the reason, I am grateful.

My second problem is this- my kids have asked me on more than one occasion "why I didn't want to be anything when I grew up"!  Maybe that is not a problem but I have to say it stings a bit every time they ask.  Since I became a stay at home mom I have always felt like I needed to carry around my resume as proof that I really did do something with my life before they came along.  Maybe I just need to show them my resume.  Although my resume does not include the hardest, most exhausting, funniest and hopefully most rewarding  job I have ever had, so I am not sure that it would make much difference.

Friday, April 17, 2009


While writing my last post  I was thinking of how funny my Dad is and I thought of something Liam said so I had to post it too.  I think that Liam may be just slightly jealous that everyone thinks that "Poppie" is soooo funny, and he seems to even get a little competitive about it.  But not too long ago we were driving and Kade said something funny and Liam said "Dad you are so hilarious!"  Then after a brief pause he said, "but not as hilarious as Poppie".

Thanks Dad for teaching Liam to ride his bike he thinks that it is "even better than playing Lego Star Wars."!

The Honker

I know that my parents aren't going to be too thrilled to see themselves on my blog.  I do have a reason for it,  I actually wanted a picture of my Dad and then I found this one of my Dad saying something funny and my Mom laughing at him and since it is such a common scene I thought this is the one to use.  Now bare with me while I tell my story and just know that eventually it leads to a "Dad story".  (I could probably write "Dad stories"  just like I write "Liam & McKinna stories").  

Today I was driving home and I was stopped in a long line of cars at a red light.  The light turned green and about a half  a second later the guy next to me honked his horn.  I thought "wow someone is in a hurry".  Then a few seconds later he honked his horn again, and I thought "give everyone a second to get rolling here,  it's a lot of cars" .  Then came another honk and I thought "boy, this guy is a real JERK".  Finally the cars were all going at a normal speed  and I realized that still every few seconds this guys' horn was still honking and that maybe he was having some sort of horn malfunction.  Then I had a flashback to when I was a kid and my Dad had a little Datsun pickup (I know that half of you don't even remember when Datsun trucks existed but trust me they did and my Dad had one) and for what seemed like a week every time my Dad turned a corner his horn would just start honking and would continue to honk until the turn was complete.  We being kids were horrified by the attention this was drawing, and my Dad being who he is thought the whole thing was so funny and the fact that we were embarrassed made it even more fun for him.  So every time we would turn my Dad would say "come on kids, wave."  I wish I could post the picture that I have in my mind because it is truly funny.  It's too bad the guy from this morning did think to wave at people, so we could all think that he was just saying "hi" and not just being a jerk.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One of a kind

This is a picture of McKinna on the day that her class dressed up as their favorite character from a book.  Mckinna of course chose to be the witch from Snow White.  She was the only witch in her class, all the other girls came as Cinderella.  She definately has a mind of her own and so I try to let her choose as much as I can but sometimes she really blows my mind.  Like the day that she had carreer day at school and she needed to dress like what she wanted to be when she grows up.  She came out of her room with a watch and a timer and I said "what are you going to be?' and she said "a watch repair person"!  She did however end up changing her mind and went as a policewoman.  And I am sure that she was the only female cop in her class.

Liam's costume

I don't think that she would feed him the real poison apple but one can never be sure with her.  The real point of this post is to point out Liam's costume or should I say uniform.  Liam loves camouflage!  I am not sure why, he is not a hunter.  Last summer when we were in Genoa, NV on vacation we were all outside taking a walk when a cute bunny hopped by.  While we were all looking at it Kade told the kids that while he was in San Francisco the week before that he had eaten rabbit.  Liam looked up at him and said "you ate a rabbit?  well,  I don't eat nature."  So I don't even think that he is a hunter in the making. (which is fine with me)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Liam and Mckinna stories

Thses are just a few quick stories so I don't forget them.  

The other day we were at a restaurant (and would someone please remind me why I take my kids to restaurants?)  and Liam said to me "Mom what does that sign say?".  Liam is a really good reader so I said to him "why don't you read it to me?"  And he said, "I can't it is written in fancy."

The other day I was taking Mckinna to her preschool and on the way she said "Mom why do we sing songs like Popcorn Popping and If You Are Happy and You Know It?"  so I told her that they were good primary songs and they are nice, happy songs.  Her response to me was "well, I think that they are baby songs and I only like rock songs and sad songs!"  Then she proceeded to brake out singing her favorite Demi Lovato song.  Someone help me, please!