Monday, March 29, 2010

Liam's report

  Liam did this report at school and it cracked me up so I thought that I would share it.  If you decide to read it, read to the end.  I am always happy to see that Liam has not inherited his Dad's handwriting.
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Friday, March 19, 2010

Quick Trip

What is wrong with this picture?  Okay so before you go critiquing all the flaws in this picture(because there are many)  let me just tell you.  This picture was taken on my 12th anniversary!  Now what anniversary picture should include 10 extra people!  I guess one that is also taken on my husband's birthday.  I am just teasing- these nice people took our kids for the night so Kade and I could have an evening  to ourselves. (There will be no pictures of that to follow)
You may have to enlarge these pictures to see but McKinna has taken to pulling a face in every picture taken of her.
Before we headed home from our quick trip to Phoenix, the kids hit the pool or should I say hot tub, I don't think that pool saw much of the kids.
Then we went to the Botanical Gardens.  This is an amazing glass sculpture and the picture does not do it justice.
There was a really interesting butterfly exhibit.
We saw all kinds of bugs and a few of them hitched a ride home with us.

There were some interesting sculptures, i must admit that my kids could not resist those giant nostrils.

The kids had a great time.

And if you want to see a million more pictures of plants and bugs you will have to check out Kade's blog.
Dad this one is for you.  I never see a saguaro cactus without hearing you say "there is a saguaro"!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today we were driving home from meeting Kade for lunch and McKinna said "Mom what do you call these?"  When I looked in the rear view mirror she was pointing at her chest.  Now I have to say that I do not like answering those type of questions, I have no idea what I am going to do when they get a little older.  Anyway so I said "well, most of the time people call them boobs."  McKinna said "really? so Ali didn't just make that up?"

Liam was quiet for a second and then always being the academic that he is said, "do you spell that
B-O-O-B-S or B-O-O-P-S?"!  I think that I laughed for the next three miles!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tennis Time

Tennis is in full swing! haha  The kids had a bit of a break over the holidays but now they are back at it.

Liam has always really loved tennis and his coach says that he is pretty good at it so I hope that he keeps it up.

This round of lessons has been a bit different for him though, not only is he the smallest and youngest in his class but he is also the only boy.   I am not so sure that Liam is okay with that,  maybe when he is sixteen it will hit him.

McKinna is very different from Liam as far as competitiveness goes.

I guess she was so happy to have her friend Cameron in her class that she felt the need to do a cheer.

Needless to say, she does not take sports as seriously has her brother!