Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A very scary thing happened the other day. Kade decided to bake a cake! That may not sound scary to some but to me it was very scary. Now don't get me wrong, Kade is an excellent cook, he is in my opinion a master at the grill. But I have never seen him bake, it just doesn't seem to fit. Then things got scarier because the kids wanted to help and he agreed. I nearly broke out in hives as I sat back and watched three people that didn't know where ingredients were or how to work certain appliance, take over my kitchen. Well, just like most things that people find scary, they turn out not to be all that scary. I mean after the sweating and the heart palpitations, I had to laugh, because it really wasn't that bad. They cooked, cleaned up and to top it all off the cake was delicious!

Friday, June 19, 2009


We had family home evening the other night and the topic was the sacrament. Kade asked the kids if they knew why we take the sacrament? Mckinna eagerly replied "In case we get hungry!" Luckily Liam knew the real reason.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Preschool graduation

Mckinna just graduated from preschool!! And I could not have been more proud that she got the award for the "Best Storyteller" (I think that is a very nice way to say that she is a little liar). She does have quite the imagination, she can tell simply outrageous stories. The problem is that she can also tell stories that are really not outrageous, and she can do it with a perfectly straight face. I personally enjoy the ones that are outrageous! Like today when she asked me if I knew that she climbs out on the roof at night and rides around on her scooter. Because she is "sneaky", she said that she knows that "other kids are sneaky but" she "is the sneakiest".

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First grader

Kade got me this new camera at Christmas time and so I thought if I take the kids school pictures myself for the REST OF THEIR LIVES I might be able to pay for one of the lens! I hope that someday I can learn to take the pictures that the camera was made to take.

Liam had an awards assembly not too long ago and he was so excited for me to come because he was "getting an award for perfect attendance!" I was reminded often about the assembly and his exciting award. The day finally came and you can imagine my excitement to have to go to sit through an assembly for a perfect attendance award (I think I was plotting how I would keep him out of school one day each quarter so as to avoid another fun assembly). So it was finally time for his class to receive their rewards and it was a good thing that I went because Liam was one of two kids in his class that got an award for having straight A's. Had I not gone I would probably not have ever heard about the academic award because after it was all over all he said was "Mom isn't that great that I had perfect attendance!" He is a funny funny kid!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Field Trip

I just thought that I would put up a few pictures from McKinna's field trip because I thought they were cute. I love how the cows are trying to get in on the action.
For the first four years of McKinna's life (she's now five) she was TERRIFIED by moving creatures, (animals of all kinds, bugs of all kinds and the occasional little old lady). Well, something has changed in the last year and now all I hear about is how much she wants a dog. And I have heard myself say on several occasion "McKinna those bugs need to stay outside!" After seeing the joy on her face while looking at these goats, I thought for sure she would be asking for one of those for the next several weeks.
Now these are cute but no we can't have one of those either!

Friday, June 12, 2009

future pro

Liam has taken up tennis and he LOVES it! I was pretty sad when he decided to give up soccer and switch to tennis because I wasn't sure that he would like it, but I was wrong. Just to brag a little bit, when he first started he was the youngest one in his class. When it was time to sign up for the second session his coach wanted to him to move up to the next level, so now he is really the youngest in his group but he still seems to like it. The other day after lessons he said "Mom, I think that tennis may be one of my talents!" To which I say fantastic! because up until that point he thought that his talent was standing on one foot.