Sunday, March 22, 2009

11 years of wedded bliss

Besides being Kade's Birthday, it was also our 11th anniversary.  I have to say that I think Kade had a fun B-day but it was probably one of the least romantic anniversaries I have ever had, since we spent it with our kids, my parents, my sister and brother-in-law.  Oh well,  I am still happy that I married him even tho if I had to do it over again it would not be on his Birthday!!


Kasha said...

I agree that isn't fair to share your day. I thought that was awfully nice of you when you agreed to get married on his Bday so he would remenber it.

Sarah said...

How did it come to be that you ended up getting married on his birthday! I would like to hear the story. Did Kade request it? Was he worried that he would not be able to remember your anniversary if it wasn't on his birthday?

bloodfamily said...

Congrats on 11 years. That's crazy that your anniversary falls on his birthday. You could always celebrate your anniversary on the original day, and then have an un-birthday for his birthday. Just a thought.