Sunday, March 22, 2009

Desert Rats go skiing

My sister wanted to take the kids skiing when we went to ID and to be honest I wasn't so sure how it would go over.   My kids have not spent much time in snow and I thought skiing may be a bit much for a first time.  I was thinking they would just want a good snowball fight but when I asked them if they wanted to go they said they were up for it.  We got their gear and took off for the mountain  and when I turned around to see if they were having second thoughts, this is what I saw.  I guess this answered my question
My sister and my kids after a successful day on the slopes.
Mckinna's happy but pooped.
Liam loved every minute, he seemed to take to it right away.


Kasha said...

That was pretty brave of them!

Sarah said...

Good for them! I have been wanting to take my kids skiing for some time but haven't yet.

bloodfamily said...

Kids take to skiing so well. My kids just love it. Watch out though - they will be begging to go more often, and it's not a cheap hobby. My kids are now into snowboarding - I'm sure that yours will too. How did you adults do?

Vegasarnolds said...

I was about 6 or 7 when I started skiing, but haven't been in years! I loved it from the beginning, even when my older brother took us on a Black Diamond (face of the mountain!) on our first run after lessons! Gotta love older brothers!